For Always On, Always Connected, I want to explore location-based audio and develop a mobile app around that idea.
First, I need to learn more about how people approach location + audio. What could make location-based audio interesting enough to create? To share privately, or publicly? Is there data about audio that might be interesting, or should I focus just on the audio itself?
I have a few ideas already. The first one is called Where I’m At. It’s basically a mashup of Shazam (or, more likely, the Echo Nest’s musical fingerprinting service), and FourSquare.
Shazam has a social component. But most people don’t use it. That’s because if you are shazamming something, the assumption is that you didn’t know what song was playing. You had to use Shazam to find out. That’s not a cool thing to share.
But the idea of listening to a specific song in a specific place at a specific time changes what it means to tag a song. For example, I could tag that I’m at Brad’s, and they’re playing “Freaks Come Out At Night” by Whodini, and then share that with friends. The geolocation isn’t interesting, the song isn’t that interesting, but maybe the combination is.
Tagging the song becomes an easy way to share the vibe of where I’m at. Where I’m At could be the name of the app.